Week1 (Jane Chen)

Presentation Technic

1) PowerPoint Makes You Stupid

One of the worst presentation techniques is relying on PowerPoint like a crutch.
Numbers projected on the wall don’t convince, emotions do.
People need to connect with you, not the screen.
Via How PowerPoint Makes You Stupid: The Faulty Causality, Sloppy Logic, Decontextualized Data, and Seductive Showmanship That Have Taken Over Our Thinking:
“PowerPoint makes us stupid.” This is what Marine General James N. Mattis declared at a military conference (in a speech given without PowerPoint) in North Carolina in April 2010. The article in the New York Times reporting the remark revealed the pervasive role the software was playing in the American armed forces. It reached the point that the then head of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, General Stanley A. McChrystal, accused PowerPoint of having become the U.S. Army’s principal enemy, nothing less.
Here’s more on giving elegant presentations like Steve Jobs.

2) Use Imagery When You Speak

Research shows that using imagery makes you more charismatic. Use metaphor, visualize and make things concrete.
Speakers are seen as more charismatic when otherwise identical speeches contain more imagery: A former US president’s inaugural address was rewritten to create low and high imagery versions, and audio recordings of the two speeches were made. Participants were randomly assigned to high or low speech imagery conditions. After listening to the speech, they provided ratings on various summary leadership measures. The high imagery speech resulted in higher ratings of charisma than the low imagery speech.
Here’s more on effective communication.
(CR.  :  http://time.com/2903011/tips-perfect-presentation/)

3) Keep it short and sweet
There is an old adage that said – “No one ever complained of a presentation being too short.” Nothing kills a presentation more than going on too long.
There are some college professors who will penalise a short presentation (most lecturers see no problem in droning on) , but for most people a shorter presentation is better. Keep your presentation to under 22 minutes if you can.
(CR. : https://www.presentationmagazine.com/effective-presentation-techniques-the-top-10-149.htm)

